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The Five-Year Planning Perspectives (Perspectives) review process is the required first step for all undergraduate and graduate programs, schools, and unit development plans.

Process for Program Plans

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Five-Year Planning Perspectives

Required for all undergraduate and graduate programs, schools, and unit development plans.

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Every other year (i.e., 2024, 2026, 2028 etc.) campuses submit their respective Perspectives to the University of California Office of the President (UCOP). These Perspectives list each campus’ anticipated actions to create and/or transfer, consolidate, disestablish, or discontinue undergraduate and graduate degree programs and/or research units, schools, and colleges.

Combining the anticipated actions of all ten campuses allows for systemwide analysis of academic plans and creates an opportunity to promote coordination, synergy, and specialization. This is especially valuable in prompting discussion in the early stages of proposal development.

UCOP collects and analyzes the Perspectives data and publishes it on its website. UCOP also shares this data with groups like the Academic Planning Council, select administrators, the Senate Divisions, and three systemwide Academic Senate committees – the Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs (CCGA), the University Committee on Educational Policy (UCEP), and the University Committee on Planning and Budget (UCPB). These are the primary groups that provide commentary on the Perspectives.

How do I prepare/update the Perspectives for my school?

The Perspectives includes the following components: A list of new programs, summary descriptions, and rationale for older programs to remain on the list.

1. Using the school-specific Excel file, update all planned undergraduate degree programs, graduate degree programs, departments, schools, and colleges.

  • Contact Institutional Planning and request your school’s Excel file.

2. Use the templates below to provide a summary description for each new additional program or substantive program change.

  • Summary descriptions need not be resubmitted if sent previously and are still accurate. They should be updated and resubmitted if there are substantive changes in the graduate program, school, or college planned.
  • For the establishment of a new school or college, campuses should submit a 2- to 5-page description. Use the pre-proposal categories of review as a guide to develop the summary description.

    3. A brief rationale (1-2 paragraphs) for planned programs that have been on the Perspectives for more than two cycles.

      Three templates are available for submitting programming actions to the Perspectives:

      New Program Summary Description

      TCDD Summary

      New School/College Summary Description

      * TCDD: Transfer, Consolidation, Disestablishment, Discontinuance of a program, unit, or school

      Contact Institutional Planning if you have any questions.

      Contact the Institutional Planning team