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After an undergraduate program change has been added to the Perspectives, further program development is required in the form of an Undergraduate Program Proposal.

Process for Undergraduate Program Proposals

Preparatory Activities and Contacts

Five-Year Planning Perspectives

Required for all undergraduate and graduate programs, schools, and unit development plans.

Undergraduate Program Proposals

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An Undergraduate Program Proposal is required when:

  • Creating a new undergraduate program
  • Transferring, consolidating, discontinuing or disestablishing (TCDD) an undergraduate program
  • Changing the name of an undergraduate program

For all other program modifications, contact the Academic Senate.

Special Cases

Per the guidelines set by the UCOP Compendium, all actions involving undergraduate degree programs are administered by the individual campuses. They do not undergo system-level review except in the following cases:

  • establishment of a hybrid undergraduate/graduate degree program;
  • creation of an undergraduate degree title unique to the campus;
  • discontinuance of an undergraduate degree title that is the last of its kind on a campus;
  • discontinuance of an undergraduate degree program that is the last of its kind in the UC system (Section IV.A).

In these cases please contact Institutional Planning for further consultation.

Preparing the Proposal


Read the Guidelines for Establishing Undergraduate Majors from the UC Irvine Academic Senate.  The guidelines outline the basic information required for the preparation, organization and administrative review of proposals for new undergraduate degrees.


Contact the Principal Financial Analyst in the Division of Finance and Administration to develop a financial plan.

Download: Financial Plan template


Use these resources prepared by IRAP to guide you through the process:

New Programs

Transfer, Consolidation, Disestablishment, Discontinuance of a Program, Unit, or School

* TCDD: Transfer, Consolidation, Disestablishment, Discontinuance of a program, unit, or school

Contact the Institutional Planning team