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Conservation and Restoration Science, M.C.R.S. Learning Outcomes

PLO1: Disciplinary Core Knowledge

  • Apply concepts of ecological systems under stress to conservation and restoration actions with the goal of solving complex problems.
  • Analyze and interpret conservation or restoration literature or data to apply evidence-based research to new management situations.
  • Explain how policy impacts ecosystem health.
  • Describe the historical context of the modern environmental movement and its influence on current environmental laws and regulations.

PLO2: Technical Knowledge

  • Use GIS, remote sensing, and informatics to frame and solve complex problems. 

PLO3: Professional Knowledge 

  • Apply project management theories and frameworks to the design and implementation of a conservation or restoration project.
  • Communicate conservation/restoration information through oral, written, digital, and visual presentations.
  • Engage with knowledge networks with diverse stakeholders.

PLO4: Integrated Knowledge

  • Lead/collaborate in planning, designing, implementing, and managing complex, large-scale
    conservation and restoration-related adaptive management activities (management plan, experimental design, report, or scholarly paper) a team to design and produce an active
    adaptive management plan through site assessment, trials evaluating management actions,
    monitoring, and collaborations with multiple stakeholders.
  • Adhere to social dimensions of conservation and restoration, including socioeconomic
    values such as cultural features, social uses and perceptions, and environmental ethics.  

PLO5: Career Knowledge

  • Identify, apply for, and be hired for jobs in the field of conservation and restoration science.
Most current version as of:
Mar 23, 2024

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