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European Studies B.A. Learning Outcomes

1. Methodological Awareness

Demonstrate an understanding of Europe from the vantage points of several disciplines in the humanities and social sciences.

2. Knowledge building 

Demonstrate a multidisciplinary view of Europe as a whole and its historical, political, and cultural formation and global implications.

3. Critical analysis

Critically analyze historical, political, and literary texts.

4. Linguisitic and Cultural competency 

Demonstrate knowledge of (at least) one European language other than English in speaking and writing, as well as familiarity with select European cultures (as reflected in the emphases for the major).

5. Written communication

Write persuasively on aspects relating to historical and contemporary Europe using a variety of rhetorical strategies.

6. Oral communication 

Communicate orally in precise, coherent, and persuasive language on a variety of topics.

Most current version as of:
Mar 23, 2024

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