Academic Planning Group
The Academic Planning Group (APG) is a joint Academic Senate-Administration body that advises the Provost on academic planning and campus priorities.
The APG is co-chaired by the Academic Senate Chair Elect and the Vice Provost of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning. APG’s deliberations demonstrate UC Irvine’s ongoing commitment to shared governance.
The Provost assigns a specific charge for the group to address based on issues of strategic importance to the campus. The group meets monthly to work together on their objectives and develop recommendations. The APG may recommend that ad hoc task groups address topics that may arise during the year as they work to address their charge. Conversations among APG are confidential unless the co-chairs decide to engage others strategically in developing the best possible recommendations for the Provost.
The Provost may also ask the APG to opine as a group on topics that emerge throughout the academic year for which immediate short-term input is needed.
A previous APG task group was charged with addressing student socialization and mental health in the post-COVID era. The group created a website to provide faculty and staff with a resource guide to support students who might be navigating a range of challenges. The campus offers a wide variety of support services and this website brings them all together to promote student mental health and wellness.
In consultation with Senate leadership, the relative size of the core APG is determined each year to maximize the effectiveness of the group and ensure expertise based on the focus of the group. The APG is comprised of faculty, administrators, and staff. The Academic Senate Office and the Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning provide staffing support.
2023-24 Academic Planning Group Roster
- Valerie Jenness – APG Co-Chair, Chair Elect, Academic Senate
- Roxane Cohen Silver – APG Co-Chair, Vice Provost, Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning
- Nina Bandelj – Associate Vice Provost, Faculty Development
- Sharon Block – Associate Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
- Gustavo Carlo – Professor, School of Education
- Anita Casavantes Bradford – Associate Dean, Faculty Development and Diversity, School of Social Sciences
- Michael Dennin – Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning and Dean of the Undergraduate Education
- Franklin Dollar – Associate Dean, Graduate Studies, School of Physical Sciences
- Gillian Hayes – Vice Provost, Graduate Education and Dean of the Graduate Division
- Joanna Ho – Professor of Accounting
- Christopher Hughes – Associate Dean of Research and Innovation, School of Biological Sciences
- Karen Lincoln – Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health
- Michael Lee – Professor, Cognitive Sciences
- Jesse Wolfson – Associate Professor, Mathematics
- Gina Anzivino, Ex Officio – Associate Director, Academic Senate
- Andrea Bell, Ex Officio – Strategic Program Director, Institutional Planning